The Biggest Bitcoin Price News of 2021. As mentioned in an earlier article today, bitcoin had a big year in 2021.

01 Jan 2022, 08:00
The Biggest Bitcoin Price News of 2021 As mentioned in an earlier article today, bitcoin had a big year in 2021. The asset itself and several other forms of cryptocurrency experienced many major developments and there were a lot of things revolving around the world of crypto throughout the past 12 months. How Was the Bitcoin Price Throughout the Year?But those were specific stories. It’s now time to look at bitcoin’s actual price movements throughout the year to see what patterns its followed and to better understand the trends that occurred in 2021. For the most part, 2021 has been a solid year for bitcoin’s price. The world’s number one digital currency by market cap started out the year on a hefty note, trading for well over $20,000. Who knew that things would eventually take an even greater turn, as through the first half of 2021, the currency incurred additional spikes? This made everyone believe that the early ugliness associated with 2020 and the coronavirus pandemic were officially over.